Song Song

Starting Position: Parallel Ready Stance  - R30

Song Song means "Imagination." In the initial stage of philosophical development, students must use their imagination to set goals beyond their current limitations and, from this, visualize their achievements in advance. This in turn, strengthens their belief system to the point that specific goals are possible and obtainable.

1. Step R foot back into L front stance – L low block.
2. Step L foot back into R front stance – R rising block.
3. Stationary – L punch.
4. L front kick step down into L front stance.
5. Stationary – R punch.
6. R front kick step down into R front stance.
7. Stationary – L Punch.
8. Stationary – R Punch.
9. Shift R foot half-a-shoulder width to L side while turning direction executing L inner forearm block in L back stance.
10. Step L foot back into R front stance – R low block.
11. Step R foot back into L front stance – L rising block.
12. Stationary – R punch.
13. R front kick step down into R front stance.
14. Stationary – L punch.
15. L front kick step down into L front stance.
16. Stationary – R punch.
17. Stationary – L punch.
18. Shift L foot half-a-shoulder width to R side while turning opposite direction executing R inner forearm block in R back stance.
19. Step R foot back into L front stance executing L inward outer forearm block.
20. Stationary – R punch.
21. Pull L foot back, keeping R fist extended, step L foot forward into L horse stance punch.
22. Step up L side kick, chambering L knife hand.
23. L knife hand strike into L horse stance.
24. Step L foot back into R front stance executing R inward outer forearm block.
25. Stationary – L Punch.
26. Pull R foot back, keeping L fist extended, step R foot forward into R horse stance punch.
27. Step up R side kick, chambering R knife hand.
28. R knife hand strike into R horse stance.
29. Pick up R foot, pivot on L foot to open side 180-degree Dbl. Guarding blocks L back stance.
30. Step R foot into R front stance – R high punch Ki-Hap.

Return R foot to Parallel Ready Stance.